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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are people in compartments?

I looked at the sketch and I found it very nice, even funny.
In my opinion, the central idea is the fact that we are put in compartments from the birth.
As we can see on the draws, there is a lot of stereotypes and a mountain of rules that we have to follow.
I'm not totally agree with this idea, i think that even if there is compartments and rules and that the society expected a lot of comportments from our part, the mentalities evolved especially in France.
Today if you are a girl you often wear pink clothes but there is a will to distance itself.
The roles are not also defined any more and the habits change.
However, I think that Liza is right when she speaks about the pressure that put us the media and the society on the fact that what i have to wear, what i have to eat, to do, to think...
In my opinion the humor depends on the culture because it bases itself on the faults of a society to turn in the mockery of the facts, or to be ironic problems.
The humor depends of our visions of the world and often we see the world only through the eyes of our own culture.
I think that with the humor it is easier to express itself, to say things and it is in the sense that things can change, many persons take of the insurance by being ironic things.
I find that Liza's speech is very interesting and is convenient to the debate.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Finally at the house

Hey guys,
I have only just arrived in France and i miss you already, I spend the most beautifu holidays of my life with you.
When i joined this journey in Los Angeles, I did not know that my correspondents would be also nice.
Thanks to this two weeks spent with you, I was able to discover the beauty of United States.
I wanted to thank you for all these good moments when we passed together, and to invite you to join me in France for your next holidays.
I will show you the most important cities and I promise you that you will have fun!
As soon as I shall have put photos on my computer I shall send them to you and I think that it will make you laugh.
I thank you once again for these beautiful holidays and I hope to see you again very fast, i miss you guys!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A lesson of life

I fell accidentally on this video one month ago :
It is about a young man playing piano with its feet (what is not common), because he lost his arms when he was younger.
In this video, he explains us that he lost his arms further to an electrocution.
His dream being to become producing of music recognized, he worked hard and chose to appear at a competition.
When he arrives on stage, we notice his handicap but when he begins to play,we forget this one and we take pleasure to listen to him playing piano.
I find this boy amazing, he gives us a good lesson of life and i think that many persons should be ispired by him.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

what about me?

I have to give you some information:
  • I'm an old girl of 20 years who studies language's science at the university:
It is the school programme which pleases me a lot and i hope i'll succeed my exams because i worked hard to get them. (Furthermore I am already 20 years old and I do not want to go out of the faculty in 30 years).
  • I work in a nursery school and i have in responsibility a workshop theater on mondays evenings with older children.
I would like to work in the early chlidhood and any experience is good to take. (Then to work allows me to pay my cigarettes and my parties.).
  • I practise sport (for the pleasure, the fun, the health and for the line it's necessary to admit it).
I go to the dance and to the gym twice a week (i think that it is from there that come the aches). I also take courses of salsa but that does not still give results.
  • As for the family information, i have a young sister who is 17 years old (in height in its adolescent crisis what puts of the atmosphere).
I live in Grenoble in a house with my parents (i would prefer live alone but that has advantages).
I live near the faculty what is practical.
The only pet witch one have is a wandering cat witch waits every morning in front of the house to have its meals.

I could say to you that i am a small brunette, long hair, brown eyes and perched on heels but i think of having said about it enough.
On it, good reading!